Monise L Seward
2 min readAug 19, 2018

Am I Missing a ‘Mom Gene’?

I am the mother of three children, ages 23, 17, and 14. My oldest, a boy, packed his bags and left Georgia to return to Indiana aftee he turned 18. He didn’t like living here. Lol. I have my days, too. The middle child is a high school Senior; the youngest is a Freshman. I’m almost there; I’ve seen glimners of light the past few years.

The school year started for us nearly 3 weeks ago and Facebook was full of #Back2School and #FirstDayOfSchool pictures. Accompanying the pictures were posts from emotional parents, realizing that their kids are actually growing. I have to admit: I only took a picture this year because this is the only year the girls are going to be together in high school. My older sister and I missed each other by a year, but I was still known as ‘Mia’s little sister' (even though I was taller).

As I looked at the pictures and read the emotional comments, I thought:

“What the hell is wrong with me? I’m not sad that my kids are getting older. They are almost out of the house and I will have my life back!”

I posted something to that effect, but not quite as dramatic. Maybe it’s because I’ve been doing the single-parenting thing for quite some time. Or, perhaps, it’s because I taught them a lot of things that most adults can’t do because I know I will not be here forever. Honestly? I’m ready to see what they decide to do with their lives. I want to see them do things I put on hold because I chose to be the active parent.

Single parents make a lot of sacrifices. If you follow me on Twitter, you know I haven’t had a date in years. I spend more time with their school commitments than I do cultivating a social life. Between band concerts (orchestra this year), track meets, club meetings, school meetings, college visits, part time job, and their miscellaneous social activities, I’m tired.

Almost immediately after asking myself what’s wrong with me (I know how that sounds), something told me: This is your parenting style. I think I gave them a solid foundation; they’re fairly well-rounded. My motherly instincts are intact and on cruise control. It’s time for me to reclaim my time.

They will be just fine.

Monise L Seward

I only write when I have something important to say. Everything else will be tweeted from @MoniseLSeward